TTS Tools - savefile

This module split can a save file from Tabletop Simulator into multiple files, individually for each object on the table. This helps in making a save file shareable with source control. A split save file can also be embedded again to create a usable save for TTS. While doing so, the embedding save file will update the Lua and XML scripts of all objects on the table and in any container.

It’s also available as a separate command line tool.


npm install -D @tts-tools/savefile


pnpm install -D @tts-tools/savefile

Basic usage


import { extractSave, readSave } from "@tts-tools/savefile";

// first read the save file from somewhere, e.g. using fs
const saveFile = readSave("<path_to_savefile");

// then extract this save file to some output path
// more options are also available
extractSave(saveFile, { output: "<path_to_output>" });

See the details for more information.


When using readSave from the library, it will read the save file and parse it into a JavaScript object. While doing so, all floating point numbers will be converted into strings and get a certain marker added to them. So they can’t be used as numbers anymore. This is done to ensure consistent rounding of numbers during the extract step.

If you want to pre-process the save file after reading it and before passing it to extractSave, you need to read the save file content manually and parse it into JSON. Rounding floating point numbers then may not be consistent, though.

import { extractSave, SaveFile } from "@tts-tools/savefile";
import { readFileSync } from "fs"

const saveFileContent = readFileSync("<path_to_savefile", { encoding: "utf-8" });
const saveFile = JSON.parse(saveFileContent) as SaveFile;

extractSave(saveFile, { output: "<path_to_output>" });


import { embedSave } from "@tts-tools/savefile";

// given a path to the previous extracted save, it returns the embedded save again
const saveFile = embedSave("<path_to_extracted_savefile", {
  includePath: "<path_to_includes>",

See the details for more information.