TTS Editor
A VS Code extension that implements the External Editor API for Tabletop Simulator to simplify editing and managing scripts and objects.
You can find and install the extension from the VS Code marketplace.
Getting started
Start TTS and load a game.
Open VS Code with this extension.
Open a directory or workspace in VS Code.
Execute the command "Get Objects" to get the scripts of all objects currently on the table.
Edit a script inside the
directory of your opened directory/workspace for any object. -
Execute the command "Save and Play" to send the updated scripts back to TTS and reload the game.
The game will reload and your scripts are updated in the game.
Success 🎉
If you use require in your Lua scripts, be sure to checkout Bundling to see how to correctly set up the extension for your use-case.
To learn about details and more features, checkout the Usage section.
Get scripts and XML UI from TTS.
Send scripts and XML UI back to TTS (while also bundling them).
Execute scripts from opened text files.
Get the current UI of an object as a file in VS Code.
Get and update the current script state of an object.
Update an individual object without reloading the whole game (including bundling its scripts and scripts of nested object for containers).
Locate an object on the table.
Jump to the line of an error.
This extension doesn’t offer support for auto-completion of the TTS API on its own. However, this can be easily achieved by using a dedicated Lua extension for VS Code. Checkout Auto-completion for more details. |